Urban photography by Stuart Allen

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Chequerboard Minimal Photograph by Stuart Allen

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Comments (5)

Luther Fine Art

Luther Fine Art

Congratulations! Your terrific art has been featured on the ABC Group home page from the M IS FOR MULITIPLES themed week JUNE 5, 2023 - JUNE 12, 2023. You are invited to add your wonderful art in the Features Archive Discussion in the ABC GROUP as a way to preserve your feature.

Bob Lentz

Bob Lentz

Congratulations! This simple and essential image is a Featured Image in the “Best of Minimalism” group on FAA based on votes by group members. The artist is invited to add the image to the group’s current “2022/23 Feature Archive” Discussion topic.

Karen Adams

Karen Adams

This is minimalism! My POTD for Best of Minimalism . . . .f/l

Wendy Wilton

Wendy Wilton

Great shot Stuart. Love this kind of abstract minimal shots and my POD in the Best Of Minimalism Group. Wendy l/f

Len Tauro

Len Tauro

i have a similar shot to this, great to see another eye catch it. lf

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Chequerboard Minimal by Stuart Allen
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