Square - Canal Reflections 1
by Stuart Allen
Square - Canal Reflections 1
Stuart Allen
Photograph - Photography
Reflection in Leeds and Liverpool Canal
January 1st, 2018
Comments (11)
Karen Adams
Stuart, I cannot express how much I LOVE this image! I could look at it for hours! Love the color and the serendipity of its existence. Wonderful! My pick for Best of Minimalism avatar for sure!!.......vf
Bob Lentz
Congratulations!, Stuart, on being selected Artist for January 1-15 in the Best of Minimalism group on FAA.
Bob Lentz
Congratulations! This simple and essential image has been selected by group members as a Featured Image in the Best of Minimalism group.
Mitch Spence
Complexity and simplicity at the same time, and thoroughly enjoyable to see. This is a pod choice for me in the Best of Minimalism group.